Titanic, a luxurious and grand ship that was famously known as the “unsinkable” ship, met a tragic end in 1912. The ship, carrying over 2,000 passengers and crew members, was on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City when it struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. The collision caused the ship’s hull to rupture, leading to a rapid sinking of the ship.
Despite the efforts of the passengers and crew, which included deploying lifeboats and sending out distress signals, the tragedy resulted in the loss of over 1,500 lives. This event, which shocked the world, has been immortalized in numerous books, films, and documentaries.
As investigations and inquiries were conducted following the tragedy, it was discovered that the Titanic’s safety measures were not up to par, with the ship lacking enough lifeboats for all passengers and crew and with its radio system not strong enough to reach other ships in the area. These findings led to the implementation of new safety regulations and the development of better maritime technology.
Even a century after its sinking, the Titanic still holds a fascination for many people worldwide. Its story continues to be told and retold, reminding us of the tragedy that befell the majestic ship and the lives that were lost.