人山人海英文:Exploring Idioms in English

人山人海英文:Exploring Idioms in English

Speaking of crowds, the phrase "人山人海" in Chinese literally translates to "people mountain people sea". But what about in English? There are several idioms in English that describe a large crowd of people.

  • The hoi polloi: This phrase comes from the Greek language and is often used to describe the common people or the masses.
  • A sea of faces: This idiom is commonly used to describe a crowd of people, especially in a public event.
  • A packed house: This phrase is typically used to describe a crowd attending a theater, concert, or sports event.

There are many other idioms in English that can describe a large group of people. It's always interesting to explore idioms in different languages and cultures to gain a better understanding of the world around us.

